Recommended Reading

We hope you will find the following books encouraging.

    "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanne Weaver .  This is truly a good read.  Learning to spend time in the intimacy of the living room at the feet of Jesus before we go into the kitchen of service.  This book can be purchased at the following  link:


"Daring to Ask For  More" by Melody Mason.   Discover divine keys for answered prayer. Available at Adventist Book Center:


" A Shepherd Looks at Psalms23" by Phillip Keller .  This is a very interesting study of Psalms 23 through the eyes of a shepherd. Discover the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep, you will be surprised at how little we truly understand Psalms 23.  Available new or used at:


"Episodes At The Olive Press" by Don Pate.  Discover the pursuit of theophany, " a starting point in a new unending walk with God".  This book is no longer available at the ABC store but can be purchased at :

"Transforming Prayer" by Daniel Henderson, How everything changes when you see God's Face.  Available at :